28 March 2022
Dear parents/carers and staff
On advice from WA Health, I am providing the following information. There have been 8 new positive cases of COVID-19 at Balga Senior High School. Students are from Years 9, 10, 11 and 12.
The last attendance at school while infectious was on Friday, 25th March.
If students and staff are identified as close contacts of the cases, they will be contacted directly by the school.
A close contact information sheet from WA Health is available here.
Advice for all families and staff:
- The school remains open.
- If your child is not identified as a close contact, your child is not required to quarantine and should attend school.
- If staff are not identified as a close contact, they are not required to quarantine and should attend school.
- As for everyone in Western Australia, we ask that you monitor your child/yourself for symptoms of COVID-19 and get tested and isolate until you receive a negative result, if symptoms develop.
- If you or your child develop symptoms, please do not attend school.
- Please note that the Omicron strain can present with less typical symptoms such as diarrhoea, particularly in children.
If you have queries or concerns, please contact WA Health on 1300 316 555.
Kind Regards
Mr Mark Carton