ATAR and University Preparation Course

Balga Senior High School supports several Pathways to University including the traditional achievement of an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank), Completion of the Edith Cowan University (ECU) Preparation Course in Year 12 and through University of Western Australia’s (UWA) Aspire Program for eligible schools.

Students complete at least 4 Accredited ATAR Courses with Course Work and final Examinations scores at the end of Year 12 contributing to year 12. For full details visit

ECU Preparation Course (UniPrep)

Balga Senior High School has a strong partnership with Edith Cowan University, and is privileged to be one of the very few schools in the Perth metropolitan area to offer an onsite university bridging course.

UniPrep is an endorsed program that offers an alternative, direct pathway to University. Recent graduates have been successful in gaining entry to courses such as Engineering, Nursing, Teaching and Computer Science. The UniPrep course aims to provide students with the necessary skills to succeed at a university level and in partnership with Edith Cowan University, Balga Senior High School delivers units that focus on Learning Skills, Mathematics, Academic Writing and the Humanities.

During Year 11 and 12, students will engage in content that prepares them for university level study by teaching them the required skills for academic success, with an emphasis on the student becoming an independent learner. Additionally, students will be introduced to university life at ECU and will have access to course and career advice to assist in making informed decisions about undergraduate degree selection

UniPrep is a challenging, yet engaging course that requires dedication, commitment and perseverance but offers an outstanding opportunity to gain university entrance.

UWA Aspire Program

Balga SHS has been a member of UWA’s Aspire Program since 2009 enabling students who achieve an ATAR to apply for Direct Entry to UWA through the Program.