Parents/Guardians wanting to enrol their child/ren are encouraged to complete an enrolment package for each child and return it to the school for processing. Enrolment packages can be collected from the school’s administration office or we can post a package to your home address. To have a package posted out to you, please complete the Enrolment Enquiry form at the bottom of this page.
Upon receipt of the completed enrolment pack an appointment will be made with the deputy principal that manages your child’s year group. The enrolment appointment will allow us the opportunity to assess your child’s needs and any specialist programs that may be of interest.
Students residing within our Local Intake Area
All students that reside within our Local Intake Area are guaranteed admission into Balga Senior High School.
Students residing outside our Local Intake Area
Students living outside the local intake area are welcome to apply for enrolment. The school will consider all applications and reply individually to each applicant.
Siblings are not assured enrolment at the school where the family is outside the school boundary at the time of the sibling’s enrolment.
Required Documentation
When you return your Application for Enrolment you will also need to provide the following documents:
If your child was not born in Australia, you must also provide evidence of: