Wellbeing Support

We know that not every day goes how we would like it to and sometimes feelings can last longer than we want them to but the biggest thing to remember is that you are not alone! No one should be afraid to seek assistance when in need. Whether it be a friend, parent, teacher, trusted adult, school counsellor or other health professional – give talking a go.

Students may make appointments with our School Psychologist and Chaplain for confidential assistance with issues such as: academic stress, anxiety, bullying, depression, family violence, friendships, grief and loss, mental health, relationships, self-harm, self-care, self-image, sexuality and gender, sexual assault, sleep, and suicidal thinking.

Below we have listed some useful services you can contact should you feel that you need some help and support from outside the school community

Counselling and support resources


Provides people aged 12-25 with health advice, support and information on general health, mental health and counselling, education, employment and alcohol and other drug services.

Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline
Private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Phone: 1800 55 1800

Youth BeyondBlue

Youth BeyondBlue
Call 24/7 for advice, referral and support from a trained mental health professional.
Phone: 1300 22 4636

Lifeline WA

Lifeline WA
Call 24/7 for crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Phone: 13 11 14

COPMI – Children of Parents with a Mental Illness

COPMI – Children of Parents with a Mental Illness
Provides information and links to support options to assist young people (up to 18) who have parents with a mental health disorder.
Phone: 1800 022 222


24/7 counselling, information and referrals for sexual assault, domestic and family violence
Phone: 1800 737 732


Helping Australians to have safer, more positive experiences online.

Helping Minds

Helping Minds
Helping Minds supports anyone who is experiencing mental health distress. This includes both the person that is experiencing mental health issues as well as their family and friends who are providing support both emotionally or practically. Helping Minds understand that talking to someone can be very difficult, but they are there to listen and to provide you with emotional and practical supports that will help find the best solution for all of you.
Phone: 1800 811 747

Reachout Australia

Reachout Australia
Australia’s leading online youth mental health service. With a mobile-friendly site and forums, you can access help, information and support no matter where you are. Includes fact sheets, personal stories, forums and videos.

Youth Focus

Youth Focus
Youth Focus operates a free, face-to-face and web-based professional counselling service for young people aged 12 to 25 who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety and self-harm.

Act Belong Commit

Act Belong Commit
Youth Focus operates a free, face-to-face and web-based professional counselling service for young people aged 12 to 25 who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety and self-harm.

Housing Resources

Department of Communities - Child Protection and Family Support

Department of Communities – Child Protection and Family Support
The Department provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families.
Phone: (08) 9222 2555


A Centrecare service for young people, single adults, families and women with children escaping domestic violence.
Phone:  (08) 9440 0400

Entrypoint Perth

Entrypoint Perth
A free assessment and referral service for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Western Australia. The service helps people find accommodation and support.

Youth Futures WA

Youth Futures WA
Offer a variety of accommodation and support services for young people experiencing, or at-risk of, homelessness.