
Year 9 OLNA Testing – Writing Component

Balga SHS 2 Markham Way, Balga, WA, Australia

To be conducted at school during Periods 3 and 4. Classroom information will be communicated to students at the start 

Year 9 OLNA Testing – Writing Component

Balga SHS 2 Markham Way, Balga, WA, Australia

To be conducted at school during Periods 3 and 4 for students that missed Monday's testing. Classroom information will be 

Year 9 OLNA Testing – Reading Component

Balga SHS 2 Markham Way, Balga, WA, Australia

Testing is to be conducted at school during Period 3. Classroom information will be communicated to students at the start 

Year 9 OLNA Testing – Numeracy Component

Balga SHS 2 Markham Way, Balga, WA, Australia

Testing is to be conducted at school during Period 3. Classroom information will be communicated to students at the start 

Year 7 -11 Reporting to Parents Afternoon

Balga SHS 2 Markham Way, Balga, WA, Australia

Please ensure you sign in at one of the two sign-in stations before collecting student reports and meeting with teaching 

Uniform Shop Open

Balga SHS 2 Markham Way, Balga, WA, Australia

Uniform Shop will be open from 9.00am to 12.00pm, and 1.00pm to 3.30pm for families to purchase school uniforms.