Founded in 1970, Balga Senior High School is a unique program based school with a focus on being ‘the whole school for the whole student’. A culturally diverse and inclusive school with over forty nationalities represented Balga Senior High School has recently attained Independent Public School and Aboriginal Innovation School status. Balga Senior High School is guided by the motto “Strength in Unity”.
All teaching staff are fully qualified and share in the school’s values of respect, safety, responsibility and learning. Students are also supported by the school psychologist, nurse and chaplain.
The school is well laid out with mature trees and gardens that offer outdoor eating areas and shaded meeting spaces. In addition to general classrooms the school also has a library, assembly hall, gymnasium, basketball and netball courts, ovals, music rooms, home economics kitchen, hospitality centre, art rooms, canteen and administration centre.
An interschool sports program is offered in semester one. Students may choose from a range of sports such Australian football, cricket, rugby league, soccer, hockey, netball, volley ball and basketball. Our top teams compete in district level competitions.